Post by Master on Oct 27, 2015 9:54:48 GMT -8
The Creeper begins to wheeze, barely keeping his eyes open. The lead Vegepygmy chirps in response to Surallel. VegepygmyThe Farmers control a vast empire in the deeps. How vast, I do not know. There is a cave, with a small tunnel leading away from these chambers. We found it, hoping it would allow us shelter from those hunting us He glances at the Creeper It took us weeks to get here, though we spent a lot of time hiding and backtracking. If you are stupid enough to seek out the Farmers or their empire, head down, you will blunder upon their borders eventually, if they don't kill you outright, they will likely take you as slaves. You, they will keep as a curiosity. You look as they do, but your coloring is all wrong.
Post by Master on Oct 30, 2015 7:56:33 GMT -8
VegepygmyDo we have a deal? You leave, for 24 hours. We never see each other again. Nobody gets hurt and everyone, who matters, is happy. The Creeper stops gasping for breath, and stops moving. It is difficult to tell through the layers of fabric, but seems he succumbed to the mold spores.
Post by Ravna Reiersgaard on Oct 30, 2015 12:48:40 GMT -8
Prone on the filthy, cold ground, the Creeper chokes out its last, horrible breath. No daughter of Reiersgaard is going anywhere with you murderous slime! Ravna shouts. A hand whips behind her back, and fire suddenly bursts between of the feet of the Vegepymies. Shadows dance grotesquely on stone walls for the space of a heartbeat; the light briefly illuminates the tears standing in her whisky-gold eyes. Pay for the life you've taken, assholes!{Flask of Alchemist Fire} Uwx99yh|1d20+2
Post by Master on Oct 30, 2015 13:07:44 GMT -8
The three Vegepygmies jump at the outburst, and then the explosion. All three stare menacingly at Surallel and Ravna. Their leader chirps in their strange language VegepygmySo be it. FREEDOM OR DEATH! Roll iniative One 3WwYnWPv1d20+6
Two 1d20+2
Three 1d20+2 1d20+6·1d20+2·1d20+2
Post by Ravna Reiersgaard on Oct 30, 2015 14:20:34 GMT -8
Initiative! _gbmoWFQ1d20+41d20+4
Post by Tessa Rothaldi on Oct 30, 2015 16:19:11 GMT -8
Initiative: uUEcq3H_1d20+21d20+2
Post by Surallel Sol on Oct 30, 2015 17:36:19 GMT -8
Post by Rothgar MacRothgar on Oct 30, 2015 17:38:58 GMT -8
Post by Darvan Marnos on Oct 31, 2015 23:42:07 GMT -8
Initiative +4: +2 Dex, +2 Trait Dju3MmyY1d20+4 1d20+4
Post by Master on Nov 1, 2015 8:13:55 GMT -8
The Vegepygmy lunges forward, toward Surallel. Vegepygmy languageFor Velale! _ir0NBo11d20+1
The Vegepygmy stabs toward Surallel with his spear, but the small implement misses Surallel easily. Surallel's turn. 1d20+1·1d6·1d6
Post by Surallel Sol on Nov 2, 2015 11:11:07 GMT -8
Surallel glares menacingly at the vegetable man that tried to harm him and sneers a sorcerer's contemptuous sneer. {Undercommon} Surallel insults the pygmies "SIDEDISH!"
Surallel makes a complete withdrawal to move behind Darvan Marnos.
Post by Master on Nov 2, 2015 11:18:36 GMT -8
The lead Vegepygmy steps forward. His eyes, burning with rage and hate, follow the prancing mage down the hall. Out of reach, he turns to Ravna. He drops into a fighting stance and lashes out with both hands. The first claw strikes her soundly on the hip, raking across her chainmail. Before Ravna can recover from the near miss, a second claw strikes her thigh, shredding her pantleg and the flesh beneath. Attack rolls doCJRkcg1d20+6 1d20+6
1d6 1d6
Post by Rothgar MacRothgar on Nov 3, 2015 17:54:44 GMT -8
Rothgar lets out a lough sigh as he moves up to engage the foul plants in front of him. Next time if we are just going to kill such creatures, we should stop wasting our time talking to them.He then swings his axe and shield at the creature that just attacked Ravna. The creature dodges away from what would have been a vicious axe wound, as Rothgar pirouettes and slams his shield into the back of the creatures's skull. Axe Attack +7 O4Njzefb1d20+7 Shield Attack +6 1d20+6 Axe Damage +4 str 1d8+4 Shield Damage +4 str 1d4+4
Shield Crit Confirm 1d20+6 Shield Crit extra damage if Confirm 1d4+4 1d20+7·1d20+6·1d8+4·1d4+4·1d20+6·1d4+4
Post by Darvan Marnos on Nov 3, 2015 22:32:45 GMT -8
Darvan swiftly moves into the room and around two of the pygmies to flank with Rothgar. He then attacks the pygmy with his sword. Also, swift action to enter wolf style.Sword attack +9: +3 BAB, +3 STR, +1 MW, +2 Flank nmaaOiJA1d20+9
Damage (if hit) +3: +3 STR 1d8+3 His movement will also provoke attacks of opportunity from VP 1 and 31d20+9·1d8+3
Post by Master on Nov 4, 2015 8:54:48 GMT -8
Attacks of opportunity VP One, Claw nZlT7_eS1d20+6 1d6
VP Three, spear 1d20+1 1d6
Moments after Darvan walks by the vegepygmies, they swing at air he no longer occupies. Ravna's turn1d20+6·1d6·1d20+1·1d6